For those of you that may not be familiar with mine and Austin’s story, I thought I’d share what I wrote for BurtCo‘s 2017 Wedding Photo Giveaway contest. As much as I detest calling it a fairytale, it does involve a castle (manor house), conflict, and the closest thing to Prince Charming that anyone could […]

Holy Moly. We eloped in a gravel parking lot on a Tuesday afternoon in January in Downtown Asheville. We had craft tacos immediately after the (tiny and to-the-point) ceremony. It was perfect.

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I am three weeks to the day away from making my second move to a new continent, only this time it will be with my (soon-to-be) husband. While you may assume that I am in a complete state of euphoria and excitement, allow me to assure you that I’m actually caught up in a complete cyclone […]

My passion for traveling started at a very young age. From traveling to my dad’s every other weekend of my life, to family trips to the beach and/or mountains, to taking my first solo flight out west when I was 18, my appetite for new sites and experiences never ceases. My capability to travel, however, […]

For the words that escaped me in the moment: Thank you. Thank you for loving me so intensely and intentionally that you would get down on one knee after asking for my family’s blessing, and then asking me to be your wife. I do not now, nor will I ever, take this lightly.

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During the nine years I got to experience my Grandmother Bobbie on this earth, she flooded me with cards and notes full of love, encouragement, and a bit of enlightenment. About two weeks before I left for Australia, my stepmom plopped an old card down in front of me on the kitchen table. I recognized the […]

Personal  / 

I turned twenty-four two months ago. While you may be thinking that “quarter-life” comes at age twenty-five, I’m going to use the argument that most folks don’t live to be one hundred and it’s close enough. I’ve heard people talking about said “quarter-life crisis,” but it has really started resonating over the past few months.